Please find here the detailed programme.
Τhe recordings and presentations of the Conference are now available online!
Session 1: Becoming Nearly Zero Energy…Get started!
The neZEH partners presented two of the main steps to take into consideration when engaging in a neZEH project - the rollout plan for the renovation and the financing.
A good, sustainable refurbishment plan must take into consideration other factors beyond the technical specificities of the project; it will take note of all actors involved, such as the local authorities, as well as the administrative and legal requirements that might limit the ambitious project.
The agents involved in energy efficiency projects constantly point out the lack of funding and appropriate supporting instruments as one of the biggest barriers in developing potential efficiency. Thus, the search of financing is a key step in the neZEH project; public or private funding will be needed in order to implement the pre-agreed rollout plan.
Session 2: Innovating for the Accommodation Industry 3.0
The majority of the hotels in Europe do not have the knowledge or the technical know-how to define alone the best renovation plan.
The session showcased the steps taken for sustainable nZEB renovation, what neZEH initiative is doing to help the accommodation industry – introduced the neZEH e-toolkit- and shed some light on what is already being done, where to look for help and called the attention to the potential new market for the technologies producers.
Session 3: Information is Power – we all have a role to play!
This session specifically focused on how the lack of adequate information hinders the efforts of the accommodation industry – how to change the trend? What is the neZEH initiative, and its pilot hotels, doing to help improving the situation? Are capacity building or training activities enough?
Experts and the public were invited to debate other possible solutions – such as awareness and sensitization campaigns of hotel owners, staff and clients, actions promoting the benefits of investing in becoming a neZEH – how much attention is being given to the matter and the spill-over effects these can have.
Among the neZEH 2016 International Conference high level speakers were:
United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO); European Commission‘s Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (EASME); Instituto Tecnológico Hotelero (ITH); OECD Centre for Entrepreneurship; European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD); European Trade Association of Hotels, Restaurants and Cafes (HOTREC); Network of European Regions for Sustainable and Competitive tourism (NECSTouR) and many more!