
The neZEH activities resulted in:

  • 16 pilot projects in 7 countries (Croatia, Greece, France, Italy, Romania, Spain, Sweden) demonstrating successful examples and challenging more SMEs to imitate
  • Practical training, informational materials and capacity building activities to support the implementation and uptake of neZEH projects
  • An EU neZEH network, facilitating exchanges between the supply (building professionals) and the demand side (SME hotel owners)
  • A practical e-tool, for hotel owners to assess their energy consumption state and to identify appropriate solutions for improving energy efficiency
  • Marketing guidelines and promotional tools to assist front runners in communicating their environmental performance and improving their image
  • 56.000+ hotel owners informed; methodology and results available to any hotel for scaling up.
  • Policy intervention at EU and national level, elaborating position papers with recommendations for removing barriers and upscaling renovations towards NZE in the accommodation sector as a basis to fruitful debates in policy level also in the European Parliament.
Learn more about the neZEH results and tools