Demonstrating integrated innovative technologies for an optimal and safe closed water cycle in Mediterranean tourist facilities (demEAUmed)

poster8 demEAUmed is a European project co-funded by the European Commission under the 7th Framework program (FP7). It demonstrates and promotes innovative technologies for an optimal and safe closed water cycle in Euro-Mediterranean tourist facilities. Using alternative water sources, such as treated groundwater, treated rainwater or the reuse of treated grey water and/ or wastewaters within a resort will result in the reduction of fresh water consumption in hotel installations.The aim of demEAUmed project is the involvement of industry representatives, tourism sector stakeholders, policy-makers and diverse technical and scientific experts to demonstrate and promote:

  • Integration of innovative water treatment technologies for an optimal closed water cycle in Mediterranean tourist facilities
  • Fresh water consumption minimization
  • Safe water management
  • Monitoring, control and automation of water cycle
  • Dissemination to other Euro-Mediterranean tourist facilities
  • Creation of new market opportunities to European industry and SMEs

The DEMO site is Samba Hotel, located in Lloret de Mar, Spain. It is a large resort with 441 air conditioned rooms, green areas and exterior pools, conference rooms, bar and restaurant. It is certified by EMAS and ISO 14001. All inlet and outlet water flows are characterised, treated with appropriate innovative technologies, and reused to reduce overall tap water consumption and also the carbon footprint of water management through an integrated approach at demonstration level.

Eight different categories of innovative water treatment technologies together with a monitoring, control and decision support system will be integrated and demonstrated on the demonstration site: Electrochemical ozonation; 172 NM UV treatment, Solar photo-electro-Fenton process (SPEF); Electrocoagulation-flotation technology (EC-EFl); UVOX technology; Plimmer technology; Vertical Ecosystem and Smart air MBR. They provide cost effective solutions for a safe reuse of treated waste water.


  • The project is facing two key challenges: the importance of tourism economy and the characteristics of water scarcity of the Mediterranean area.
  • demEAUmed is a critical platform for promoting the use of sustainable and innovative technologies in other Euro- Mediterranean tourist facilities in light of also the global tourism market.
  • demEAUmed innovative technologies integration are expected to reduce the water and carbon foot prints of touristic resorts in the Mediterranean while facilitating access to green hotel labels and resulting in cost savings